MEET & GREET: Cazwell

Cazwell‘s debut album, Watch My Mouth, will be released June 30th. He has collaborated with just about every single nightlife legend including Amanda Lepore, Larry Tee, Boy George, David Lachapelle, Chris Joss, Peppermint, Karl Giant to name a few.

Name: Cazwell

Favorite flavor ice cream: Chocolate

I’m from: Massachusetts

But I live in: New York City


Cazwell | I Seen Beyonce (feat. Jonny Makeup)

And work at/doing: Clubs DJ’ing/ Promoting/Hosting

At burger king I really saw: your mutha!

My first job was: at a movie theatre

My worst job was: dispatch for an escort agency

Favorite gadget: TV remote control

Right before we perform I: drink water and pee

I know it’s going to be a good show when: I get paid before I go on

While we perform I/we: look at the furthest spot in the room so I know I’ll reach out to everybody

Right after we perform I/we: drink water and towel off

My favorite shape is: donut

My least favorite color is: fluorescent beige

Roses are red violets are blue: if you dont call me back I’ll fuckin’ kill myself

Shop at: Dave’s Quality Meats on 3rd st.

And read: Antenna Magazine, Wire, ID,

If you were to teach one subject on a college level it would be: sociology because it was my favorite subject in college

If I’m at a super fun party I really hope I have: my friends

My favorite topic for small talk is: reality television

If I had a million dollars I would: pay off debt and buy a new pair of kicks

If I was to be stuck on an island indefinitely I would need: a hot boy

If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be: Pink Berry

I am influenced by: The people of New York City, Bugs Bunny and Club DJ’s

You should know that: I’m really shy

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