Broken Social Scene – “Forced To Love” Music Video!

Broken Social Scene - "Forced to Love" Music video still by Makapoon

Well, damn. It’s only Monday and our minds have already been blown to teeny tiny pieces, thanks to the insane new vid for Broken Social Scene‘s “Forced to Love.”

The clip, which features holograms of the BSS clan projected inside an art gallery that’s seen better days, establishes the guys behind the directorial team MAKAPOON as the James Camerons of the music video world.

Wondering how the video was made? As Alan Poon, half of MAKAPOON, explains: “It’s an experimental 3D scanning technology that detects the displacement of a grid pattern of any object in front of it. The data is then used to rebuild the object in three dimensions.”
Uhh…whatever you say, man…

With technology like this, it’s official: we’re living in the future, ladies and gents.

Check out the video below while we try to figure out where we misplaced our hover car keys.

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