MUSIC VIDEO: TV Off – “Music Machine”

It’s a heist in TV Off‘s video for “Music Machine.” The duo get together to go over their master plan before burglarizing a candy shop. The colorful video goes perfectly with the bubblegum electro pop beats. Their plan is foiled, however, by a giant pink starfish! Awesome!

After such a sugar high, you must be curious about TV Off. Hailing from Finland, the twosome have been generating buzz with their electronic pop songs, each of which have happy, hip-shaking beats mixed with lead singer Sara’s icy and enigmatic vocals. Her blasé tone surprises with its sultry allure.

The duo has played at music festivals such as The Great Escape Festival in the UK and Flow Festival in Helsinki, also playing events in Berlin, Tokyo and all over Scandinavia. Opting to market their music sans record label, they’ve been relying on street teams and internet hearsay to spread the good TV Off word.

EXTRA CREDIT: Download some free tunes by the two Finnskie friends at their Website.