Texas can’t go anywhere without Supermaning that hoe! We miss you Texas! Come home soon!
To see/hear more about Texas’ life in Paris, check out her blog Texas Does the World!
Texas can’t go anywhere without Supermaning that hoe! We miss you Texas! Come home soon!
To see/hear more about Texas’ life in Paris, check out her blog Texas Does the World!
Clarissa and I just had to do the superman in front of the Eiffel Tower, which is about as fun as supermaning it with 20 of your close friends in Vegas or even with random dudes at AK. Miss you guys oh so much! I’m always thinking about you, and watching you… yup. Thanks to Nicky, I still get to see what’s goin down. Hmm, think I’ll try and do that dance sometime this week.. Big bisous!!!