6 thoughts on “20070428_DSC_0115”

  1. now now, look what we have here. An internet thug! you go gangster! “Douchpatrol” is just so witty & funny & bawdy he could make a rapper blush. He’s so “gangster” and all typing away his rude comments. I guess if i were to ever meet him he’ll type me to death i suppose. Perhaps because the two fine gentlemen being profiled are so extreme in their “grandparents” attire “Douchpatrol” struggles under his own weight to have an identity and resigns to being a computer cowboy. But don’t tone it down for us keyboard maurauder. Scratch that itchy trigger finger…opps i meant to say typing finger if you must. Ctr+Alt+Del is the new drive-by i guess.

  2. i had to! i’m so sorry, i gave it a few days but the Lord convicted me to do so! so there you have it! hehehe

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