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to enlarge the EURO THRASH track list

Your gonna be seeing a lot of Cobra Kai this week, so why not introduce your ears to COBRA KRAME$ by downloading his EURO THRASH mix by clicking HERE!

[CONTINUE READING FOR COBRA KAI TOUR DATES & GUEST LIST INFORMATION] will be catching COBRA KRAME$ and Nick the Duke of Cobra Kai at the following gigs:

HEARTHROB @ Middlesex Lounge on Apr 24, 2007 in Boston, Massachusetts [no cover for this event]

TRASHION @ Marquee on April 25, 2007 in NYC, New York [Say you are on NickyDigital’s list at the door for free entry]

CHEEKY BASTARD @ Hiro Ballroom on April 26, 2007 in NYC, New York [Say you are on NickyDigital’s list at the door for free entry]